Grape of the Art

Independent bottler

Die Idee zu Grape of the Art entstand bei einer Blindverkostung unserer Rum & Whisky-Gruppe in Stuttgart, bei der wir von der herausragenden Qualität und der Vielfalt von Armagnac einfach nur begeistert waren. Da wir hochwertige Spirituosen in Fassstärke lieben, haben wir uns intensiv mit verschiedensten Weinbränden auseinandergesetzt. Anfang 2021 war es schließlich soweit und wir begannen mit der Gründung einer eigenen Spirituosenmarke. Unsere Neugier und Nachforschungen führten uns schließlich in die Region Armagnac & Cognac, wo wir auf wunderbare Persönlichkeiten trafen, die uns die Gelegenheit gaben, ihre Lagerhäuser zu besuchen und die Destillate direkt vom Fass zu probieren. Nun ist es an der Zeit diese aufregenden Entdeckungen mit euch zu teilen!

Robert Bauer

Robert embarked on his journey into the spirits world with single malt whiskey in 2011 and has been fortunate to gain experience visiting many distilleries, tasting hundreds of whiskeys and reviewing them on his spirits blog, Whiskey Digest . A few years ago he fell in love with r(h)um and brandy. Robert has a particular weakness for distinctive, cask-strong Armagnac.

Oliver Gerhardt

Oliver is the founder and developer of the RumX platform , where rum lovers share their tasting impressions and get comprehensive information about more than 10,000 r(h)ums. Through the Stuttgart Rum Circle, Oliver discovered his passion for Armagnac and Cognac and learned to appreciate the diversity of the distilled grapes. He is particularly fond of Armagnacs, which are close to the Demerara rum style.

Sasha Junkert

Sascha has been a passionate supporter of cocktails and spirits since 2008. His first love was rum and in particular Rhum Agricole from Martinique and Guadeloupe. On a visit to Fribourg, he tasted his first Armagnac (a Clos Martins) and has curiously tasted many more in recent years. Armagnac is now the focus of new discoveries, leading to the creation of in 2021.

Christian Maier

Christian's first exposure to the world of spirits was at a single malt whiskey tasting in 2009. From there his passion for single cask Scotch cask strength bottlings grew rapidly. A few years ago he discovered R(h)um and immediately fell in love with the numerous new flavors. Collecting impressions of different styles is more important to him than concentrating on a specific spirit or a specific distillery.

Leonard Stump

After working intensively with cocktails since 2009, Leo worked for several years at the Hemingway Bar in Freiburg. Since 2013 he has also been enthusiastic about American whiskey. Armagnac came into focus for him in 2018 after having the pleasure of tasting L'Encantada Pibous #187 from one of the Brandy Brothers. His favorites include aged ryes, wheated bourbons, strong Demerara and Jamaica rums, as well as rhum agricole and intense armagnac.